Finding skilled cybersecurity personnel is challenging. The generated logs will be regularly searched by our highly skilled team of cybersecurity professionals for unusual and suspicious activities within your firm.
We deal with threats. You put business first.
There is no learning curve necessary to use our staff of highly trained forensic analysts who are available around-the-clock to conduct thorough investigations. Get a thorough timeline of the attack’s activity based on endpoint forensics. analyses MFT$, Windows Event Logs, the Registry, Web History, and other artefacts. Support for Threat Neutralization is given during Incident Response to stop any potential breaches.Frictionless-Communication
Throughout your firm, a highly skilled team of cybersecurity specialists will regularly go through created logs in search of aberrant and suspicious activity. We’ll establish a baseline for acceptable conduct in your surroundings and notify you when it deviates.
Feature Capabilities
Constant Security Protection
No matter your time zone or location, our professionals continuously monitor changes to your environment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Threat Hunting Enhancement
Let our security professionals handle routine tasks and threat detection so your team may concentrate on your organization’s priorities.
Reduce Alerts, Increase Intelligence
Receive alerts for actions including fileless assaults, sophisticated persistent threats, and attempts at privilege escalation.
Continuous Security Enhancements
Utilizing our skilled team of security analysts to conduct in-depth vulnerability investigations doesn’t require any learning curve.
insights from threat intelligence
By utilising our threat intelligence insights and suggestions, we reduce your overall exposure to cyber security risks.
Response in Real Time
When there is any action that might be a sign of a compromise, analysts immediately alert you through the Dragon Platform.
Verdicting Engine for Valkyrie
performs a variety of run-time behavioural analyses on unfamiliar files to rapidly and automatically determine if they are safe or dangerous.
Threat Containment
Our professionals are able to locate, isolate, and restore the compromised endpoint thanks to the threat’s virtualization and isolation (s).
Consistent Reporting & Documentation
Every threat identified in your surroundings will be examined, recorded, and shared with your routinely generated customised reports.