Unknown files are quickly examined in the cloud by MicronIT Valkyrie Verdicting Engine and Threat Intelligence while they are under containment, all without disrupting the end user.
Complete Threat Prevention
Auto containment with a patent
Detection to prevention transition utilising Auto ContainmentTM to isolate infections like ransomware and unidentified threats. To avoid causing harm to your endpoints, advanced endpoint protection will never trust unfamiliar executables and will always validate them completely. Allow unknown files to execute on endpoints without risk while preventing write access to vital parts.
Feature Capabilities
Auto containment with a patent
Prevents 100% of unknown threats instantly through denying write access privileges of any unknown- unknown threats
Real-world antivirus software with strong detection, eradication, and quarantine capabilities
Anti-Malware Fileless Protection
Protection from fileless malware payloads that evade conventional antivirus software
Analyzer of Virus Scope Behavior
monitors all processes for unusual activity in order to spot any acts that could be dangerous before they take place.
Firewall hosted by IT Micron
Keep out any incoming threats and watch out for any suspicious outgoing threats.
system for preventing host intrusion
Continuous operating system activity monitoring to find intrusions before any trespassing may take place
Threat Intelligence Analyzers Valkyrie
Real-time static and dynamic searches of the cloud, the deep web, and the black web for potential risks to your company
Lookup for MicronIT File Reputation
Compare the threat reputation of any file to one of the most comprehensive whitelist and blacklist threat intelligence databases.
Cloud Based Updates
To guarantee security and the best user experience, fresh malware signatures are regularly supplied through the cloud.